Nature conservation contractors working in low carbon ways to restore, create and engage with green spaces.
Our Services
Habitat management
Practical habitat management using hand and electric tools e.g. meadow cutting, coppicing, scrub removal, tree popping, chainsaw work and path clearance.
Advice and guidance
On conservation, restoration and creation of habitats within nature reserves, parks and private gardens.
Articles and features
For wildlife, countryside and walking magazines e.g. species profiles, nature reserve reviews, walking route recommendations.
Guided walks
Themed wildlife walks e.g. butterflies, trees, bats, fungi.
Training and mentoring
Upskilling and confidence-building in practical conservation and wildlife ID for trainees, volunteers and 'Friends of' groups.
Wayfinding and interpretation
Planning of wayfinding routes, content writing for site interpretation boards, installation of signs and wayfinding posts.
Who We Work With
